Squamous metaplasia in prostate can be seen in response to infarction , inflammation , radiation therapy , or androgen depriation therapy 鳞状上皮化生常见于梗死、炎症、放疗或抗雄激素治疗后。
This image shows squamous metaplasia of the lining of the renal pelis with broad tongues of squamous epithelium infiltrating underneath 下图可见肾盂上皮呈显鳞状上皮化生,宽舌状的鳞状上皮向下浸润。
Histology of the tumor revealed necrosis of salivary glands , squamous metaplasia of salivary ducts and acini with bland appearance of the squamous cells which showed occasional nuclear atypia 病理特徵为:唾腺坏死、唾腺管与腺泡的鳞状化生、其鳞状细胞外观平淡无奇,但偶可见异常细胞核。
In a mayo clinic study of 78 patients with keratinizing squamous metaplasia ( leukoplakia ) of urinary bladder , a total of 42 % of patients had concurrent or subsequent carcinoma of the bladder . benson rc , swanson rk , farrow gm 在梅欧医院{美}的研究中, 78例膀胱角化性鳞状上皮化生病人中,有42同时合并或以后发展成为膀胱癌。
Non - keratinizing squamous metaplasia is seen in this inerted papilloma . intestinal metaplasia , spindle cell pattern , and neuroendocrine differentiation are some of the other features that may be seen occasionally 本例内翻性乳头状瘤中可见到非角质化的鳞状上皮化生。有时肠上皮化生、纺锤状细胞外形、神经内分泌分化偶可见到。